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Top Characters in Death Note That Deserve Spin-Off

Better Storyline Death Note Characters
Better Storyline Death Note Characters

There is no doubt that Death Note is one of the best anime shows ever, which is a must-watch even today. It is a perfect masterpiece that is unforgettable and filled with various genres

Even though it debuted more than a decade ago, “Death Note” is still widely regarded as one of the very finest anime series of all time and should not be missed. It is a flawless masterwork that combines a wide range of musical styles and will live in infamy forever.

Some of them have a lot of amazing potentials but don’t quite deliver, while others are virtually pointless in their current form. Even some of the most well-liked characters in the series of Death Note have unsatisfying conclusions to their stories.

Even while Death Note is an iconic piece of anime history, the series is not without its share of plot holes and other problems.

Best Humans Who Deserve A Better Storyline In Death Note

Matt Death is the Quick, With Lack of Information

Matt Character Death Note
Matt Character Death Note

Since Matt dies so soon after being introduced in the Death Note anime, he is often forgotten. Fans love Matt so much because of his small but significant role in the show.

Aside from being one of three possible candidates to carry on L’s work, his intelligence and investigative prowess also make him a strong candidate.

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Considering how well-liked he is now, it’s a shame that his audience was denied the chance to watch him perform at their expectations.

His potential role as one of L’s disciples was an intriguing plot point that may have piqued the attention of fans of Mello and Near, among others. He died suddenly, leaving his fans to wonder what happened.

Kiyomi Takada Pointless Relationship With Light

Light Yagami’s ex-girlfriend Kiyomi Takada fills in as one of Kira’s partners for the time being. Despite the short length of her appearance in the show, the sparks that fly between her and Light are incredibly promising.

Aside from that, though, Kiyomi displays a great deal of intelligence and skill that was never allowed to flourish in her role.

Kiyomi’s plot centers on her jealousy and subsequent rivalry with Light over his connection with Misa. Though her affections for Light were integral to her personality, she showed the capacity to become much more than that.

Soichiro Yagami Death is not acceptable

The elder Yagami, Soichiro, never stopped having faith in his son. Though the evidence pointed in that direction, he still refused to believe that Light was indeed Kira. His premature demise ranks among the most heartbreaking in the series.

The story was interesting because of Soichiro’s love for Light and their tight relationship, yet after everything he went through for his family, he deserved a happier ending.

It would have been intriguing to see his involvement in the second half of the series, as well as his reaction to the series’s defining discovery.

Misa Needs to Improve Her IQ and Understand Light Yagami is just Using Her

Misa Amane Character Death Note Funny
Misa Amane Character Death Note Funny

Misa’s attachment to Light grows into obsession, and she begins to perform his bidding without question. Misa is, at heart, a kind person who wants to be loved, despite the crimes she performs in his name.

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Misa might have been more than Kira’s servant, and it would have been fascinating to watch her break out of his control. Instead, she went deeper into her fixation, which stunted any growth she would have had.

Misa was excellent at playing the role of dedicated pawn, but she was better than that.

We need more information on Ryuks Past Life

As the protagonist who initiates the entire plot, Ryuk is a fan favorite. Though he plays a pivotal role, viewers learn very little about him outside of scattered comments from the character himself.

Other Shinigami share their stories, letting people in on their innermost thoughts, feelings, and ambitions.

The viewer never gets to witness the good side of Ryuk, only the vicious aspect he conceals behind a cheerful front.

Although his obscurity contributes to his appeal as a character, it would be interesting to find out what drives him as the series progresses.

Naomi Misora’s Death seems to be rushed, She had soo much Potential

Naomi Misora death is the most brutal and heartbreaking death in Death Note. She’s on Kira’s trail, and Light kills her in the cruelest way possible before her investigation can even begin.

Naomi’s inclusion in the story is disappointing because she could have given the Kira inquiry a fresh perspective.

One could argue that her part was originally intended to be more substantial but was trimmed owing to issues.

Though she only appears in a few of episodes, the potential impact she could have had on the tale if she hadn’t been murdered off so soon is intriguing.

You can however read the prequel, Novel of Death Note: Another Note The Los Angeles Murder.

Rem’s is one of the most Mischievous Characters with lack of insights

One of the most interesting characters in the story is Rem, a Shinigami. She is unlike the others because she has human feelings and ties. Her unexpected and unusual capacity for love among her species could make for a fascinating plot point.

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Interesting and engaging, Rem’s story may have provided viewers with a deeper understanding of the complexity of Shinigami and their emotions had it been developed further. Her time in the novel was cut short, though, and readers were left wondering about a lot of things.

Mello is not given much importance, making him feel like an Outsider to L

Mello Death Note Characters
Mello Death Note Characters

After the unexpected death of L in the first part of Death Note, two new characters were introduced to take his place. Like her fellow substitute, Near, Mello did not do well with the audience.

Mello has a small army of supporters, but he’s not nearly as compelling a figure as his predecessor was.

Mello’s plot is the least interesting of the new group because of his fall into criminality and his insistence on catching Kira no matter what.

Mello, one of L’s successors, is deserving of a much more interesting plot than he has had so far.

Near is in L’s Shadow With a Lack Of Emotions

Near takes over L’s duties as the tragic events of the first half of Death Note come to a devastating end.

Fans are quick to criticize Near for failing to live up to their expectations, given the iconic status of L’s part in the plot. Both in appearance and behavior, parallels between the two are striking.

Far more success could have been had by Near as a standalone character if he had been given more agency and less of a mandate to merely fill the shoes of his predecessor.

He was never given this chance and instead seemed like a pale substitute for the real thing.

The Passing of L’s

Even now, L remains one of the most well-known faces in the series’ extensive cast. His strange habits and astounding intelligence endear him to audiences from the minute they are introduced to him.

Many people feel that the storyline suffers greatly after his death.

Though his death was dramatic and profound, it felt too soon to get go of him given how much his character still had to offer for the series.

Because of how much the cat-and-mouse game between L and Kira enriched Death Note, its conclusion leaves the plot feeling hollow.

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